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Le Gorille Vous Salue Bien

Movie poster Le Gorille Vous Salue Bien


  • French Release Date : September 3rd, 1958

  • A film by : Bernard BORDERIE

  • With : Lino VENTURA, Charles VANEL, Robert MANUEL, Bella DARVI, Pierre DUX, André VALMY


Géo Paquet, aka " the Gorilla, " escapes from prison with help from the outside. His imprisonment is only cover for his work as top agent in the intelligence service. The D.S.T. is worried about the disappearance of military aviation plans and " the Gorilla, " on his own and wanted by the police, handles the case.

fact sheet

  • Production year : 1957

  • Nationality(ies) : France

  • Copyright : ©1964 PATHE FILMS - TF1 STUDIO Ancien copyright ©1964 PATHE PRODUCTION - LES FILMS ARIANE

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